Most singles have a love / hate relationship with dating apps. You’re glad to have something to help you get in The Dating Game, but they feel more like necessary evils. You wish you didn’t have at least 2 of them on your phone, but at the same time, you want to be sure you’re checking out all your options.
If that’s you–and no judgment here if it is–you probably can relate to some of these when it comes to using dating apps:
When you’re at dinner with friends and they start talking about a new dating app…
When your friends tell you about a new dating app where they found and—eventually went out with—a like-minded Christian…
When you realize apps require far less reading than traditional dating profiles…
When you wish your matches would tell you more about themselves in their profile…
When you have to talk to them for a while to find out if they even know who Jesus is…
When they finally message you back right before the 24 hour window is up…
When they tell you they’re “spiritual but not religious”…
When they mention C.S. Lewis as one of their favorite authors…
When you realize they never read a word of C.S. Lewis, they just watched the Narnia movies and thought the wardrobe was cool…
When you realize you’ve been swiping for an hour and you’ve yet to find someone who mentions Jesus in their profile…
When you get a match who shares a pic on a mission trip where she’s playing with kids…
When she swipes right on you too…
When she messages you before you even have to break the ice yourself…
When you’ve sent 2 messages back and forth and she says she wants a big family like the Duggars…
When you find a match who leads worship at their church…
When that match swipes right on you too…
When the 5 other matches you’re talking to want to chat more but you’re waiting on the worship leader…
When the worship leader finally responds–and sends you a shirtless selfie…
When you’re at coffee with friends and they start talking about this new dating app…
But then they tell you how they found and—eventually went out with—a like-minded Christian…
For a thorough discussion, check out our Best Christian Dating Sites reviews.