Are you interested in writing for SingleRoots? We’re always looking for new content! If you would like to submit a guest post for our consideration, then here’s what you need to know:
We try to center our posts around the five categories listed at the top of the home page: Career & Adventure, Spiritual Growth, Relationships, Church & Ministry, and Stewardship. Most of our posts are based on our writers’ real life experiences and include a challenge, lesson or practical advice for living. We also have openings for our Dear Adam/Eve (Sarcastic) Christian Dating Advice series. Choose a topic and go for it!
::Word count
Please keep your posts around 500-750 words each. If the Holy Spirit just has a Word for you and you really need more, who are we to quench the Spirit? But we want to keep our posts in the 500-750 word range in general.
::Unique Content
The content must be original and not previously printed on your blog or anywhere else on the internet (including Facebook) nor should it be reprinted anywhere online in the future.
You can email your submission to contact [at] singleroots [dot] com. Attach it in a Google/Word document or copy and paste it into the email body—we’re not picky. We’ll send you an email soon after to follow up with you and let you know if it fits our needs. If it does, we’ll talk editing, deadlines, linkbacks, and run dates at that point.
SingleRoots loves to write guest posts, too!
If you are interested in having SingleRoots guest post on your blog, we would be happy to do that, too. Just email us at contact [at] singleroots [dot] com, and we’ll figure out the logistics!
*Photo credit: Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com