Last month I shared about how, during the Christmas season, I wanted to create moments with my loved ones. It’s been interesting as I’ve entered 2013 and am now trying to get back into my usual routine. Like everyone, I’m sure, I’ve been thinking about what I want this year to look like.
I’m not one for resolutions. I don’t do well with the guilt and frustration that comes when I don’t hold myself to them like I should.
However, I’ve been reflecting more on this idea of creating moments.
As one who is an introvert by nature, I can easily get caught up in spending most of my time alone when I’m not in class or at work, not to mention that this can fuel my depression. I have to be intentional to create moments with the people in my life.
So often we hear that we were created to be in community with one another, but for some reason, we have a hard time living into this.
It’s easier to live isolated sometimes than it is to take that risk and intentionally reach out to one another. It’s just plain hard because it requires us to open up our hearts and allow another person to see into the depths of our soul.
But it’s what’s best for us, even when hurt and loss are inevitable at some point.
In a recent post, Jessica mentioned Donald Miller’s Storyline. I’m currently working through it myself, mapping out my story.
This year I want to be more intentional with the people God has placed in my life.
I want to get to know my neighbors.
I want to be a vessel of hope to a broken people.
I want those I interact with to know no matter what their life holds, they are a person of worth and deserve the gift of grace that only Christ can offer.
I know the only way these things can happen is if I’m intentional about creating those moments. I know there will be times when I fail, when I become so consumed with my own needs that I forget to look outside myself. I know this to be true because I do it everyday.
The truth is God created you and me for a purpose that goes way beyond our selves. While we wait for Christ to bring us home, we are called to live, to grow, to serve, and to love.
What will this look like for you in 2013?
Photo credit: RenoTahoe