Dear Eve, Men tell stories. It’s just what we do. Narrative is the way we share information. “Is that desk heavy? Let me tell you …
READ MORE about Dear Eve :: Christian Dating Advice on Male Communication
You're more than your dating life
Dear Eve, Men tell stories. It’s just what we do. Narrative is the way we share information. “Is that desk heavy? Let me tell you …
READ MORE about Dear Eve :: Christian Dating Advice on Male Communication
Dear Adam, While I strongly agree with the previous letter to Eve about the “creeper” label, I feel the need to add some thoughts. I …
READ MORE about Dear Adam :: Christian Dating Advice on Non-Verbal Cues
Dear Eve, It seems that we’ve had some miscommunication (again) and, frankly, it has left me confused. Allow me to explain. If Bradley …
READ MORE about Dear Eve :: Christian Dating Advice on Labeling Guys as “Creepers”
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