You're more than your dating life
Linda Spratt remembers that her childhood dreams always consisted of the power to fly or to be invisible--dreams that showed problematic signs of staying within the boundaries of reality. Maybe that's why her first drive home from college resulted in her arrest and a couple of hours of jail time. Linda loves all kinds of music, except country, and will travel to cities near and far to hear Muse, her favorite band of all. When it comes to people in the Bible, she is most drawn to Peter because of his well-meaning impetuousness; she wishes she had a fraction of his zeal for the Lord. Linda prefers her Sonic cherry cokes with easy ice, dislikes every other person in WalMart while she's trying to shop, and once worked for a national franchise that specializes in dog poop removal (they were #1 in the #2 business).
Linda Spratt remembers that her childhood dreams always consisted of the power to fly or to be invisible--dreams that showed problematic signs of staying within the boundaries of reality. Maybe that's why her first drive home from college resulted in her arrest and a couple of hours of jail time. Linda loves all kinds of music, except country, and will travel to cities near and far to hear Muse, her favorite band of all. When it comes to people in the Bible, she is most drawn to Peter because of his well-meaning impetuousness; she wishes she had a fraction of his zeal for the Lord. Linda prefers her Sonic cherry cokes with easy ice, dislikes every other person in WalMart while she's trying to shop, and once worked for a national franchise that specializes in dog poop removal (they were #1 in the #2 business).
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