You're more than your dating life
An avid outdoorsman, John would spend his entire life fishing on the lake if he didn’t have to worry about making a living. He is an avid fan of the Great American Pastime, an old soul with a love for classic films, and has his sights set on a solo trip to Argentina within the next year. He can identify most with Elisha from the Bible because he left the farm to pursue God’s calling on his life. You can’t follow him on Twitter because he doesn’t have an account and has no plans to get one in the near future.
An avid outdoorsman, John would spend his entire life fishing on the lake if he didn’t have to worry about making a living. He is an avid fan of the Great American Pastime, an old soul with a love for classic films, and has his sights set on a solo trip to Argentina within the next year. He can identify most with Elisha from the Bible because he left the farm to pursue God’s calling on his life. You can’t follow him on Twitter because he doesn’t have an account and has no plans to get one in the near future.
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