You're more than your dating life
Eric Chen lives in Washington DC, the city he grew up in and where he now works as a professional computer nerd. As a lover of language, he enjoys crafting words into everything from essays to one-liners, from short stories to cheesy freestyle raps. When he’s wandered away from his desk, he can often be found watching movies, telling stories, playing hockey, or over-analyzing things. You can find more of his writing and art at his blog Eric in Progress.
Eric Chen lives in Washington DC, the city he grew up in and where he now works as a professional computer nerd. As a lover of language, he enjoys crafting words into everything from essays to one-liners, from short stories to cheesy freestyle raps. When he’s wandered away from his desk, he can often be found watching movies, telling stories, playing hockey, or over-analyzing things. You can find more of his writing and art at his blog Eric in Progress.
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