You're more than your dating life
Don Sartain started blogging about life, Theology, and Christian thinking in 2010. He's a covenant member at The Village Church and single for God's glory and his good (at least that's what he keeps telling himself). His favorite authors include John Piper, Russell Moore, and Matt Chandler. He has several solid guy friends who love him well and aren’t afraid to speak truth into his life, especially when he doesn’t want to hear it and is friends with a few girls who fill that role, too, for whom he is incredibly grateful. He has a heart to see the gospel proclaimed with our lives and lips, for the glory of God and the joy of those who love Him.
Don Sartain started blogging about life, Theology, and Christian thinking in 2010. He's a covenant member at The Village Church and single for God's glory and his good (at least that's what he keeps telling himself). His favorite authors include John Piper, Russell Moore, and Matt Chandler. He has several solid guy friends who love him well and aren’t afraid to speak truth into his life, especially when he doesn’t want to hear it and is friends with a few girls who fill that role, too, for whom he is incredibly grateful. He has a heart to see the gospel proclaimed with our lives and lips, for the glory of God and the joy of those who love Him.
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