Making the Most of This Window of Time
The other week I went clothes shopping with my two daughters. The four-year old is easy—anything with “4T” on the label fits her. The …
You're more than your dating life
Derek Bruff is a single dad living near Nashville trying to trust God with Plan B for his life. He likes photography and compensates for his low hit-to-miss ratio by taking lots of pictures. He also likes running, although he’s not very fast. Derek blogs about being a father to his two daughters, Hannah and Lily, who aren’t really named Hannah and Lily, at He thinks the world could use a few more dad blogs. You can follow him on Twitter @drkbrf.
Derek Bruff is a single dad living near Nashville trying to trust God with Plan B for his life. He likes photography and compensates for his low hit-to-miss ratio by taking lots of pictures. He also likes running, although he’s not very fast. Derek blogs about being a father to his two daughters, Hannah and Lily, who aren’t really named Hannah and Lily, at He thinks the world could use a few more dad blogs. You can follow him on Twitter @drkbrf.
The other week I went clothes shopping with my two daughters. The four-year old is easy—anything with “4T” on the label fits her. The …
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