You're more than your dating life
Christin Taylor writes and teaches writing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania with her husband and two littles, Noelle (6), and Nathan (2). Her first book, Shipwrecked in L.A.: Finding Purpose and Meaning When Your Dreams Crash, was released this past Spring from Wesleyan Publishing House. Her second book about finding and being Good Company when your dreams crash is forthcoming this Fall. You can read more about her and her writing at, as well as follow her on twitter, @shipwreckedinla, and on Facebook.
Christin Taylor writes and teaches writing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania with her husband and two littles, Noelle (6), and Nathan (2). Her first book, Shipwrecked in L.A.: Finding Purpose and Meaning When Your Dreams Crash, was released this past Spring from Wesleyan Publishing House. Her second book about finding and being Good Company when your dreams crash is forthcoming this Fall. You can read more about her and her writing at, as well as follow her on twitter, @shipwreckedinla, and on Facebook.
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