We wanted to create a resource where single Christians could find other Believers across the world who are in a similar life stage. There are so many blogs out there focusing on a wide variety of topics, yet we often have difficulty finding them. Our hope is that this will be a good starting point for bloggers or readers. If you want your blog added to the list, scroll down to find out how!
View SingleRoots Christian Blogger List in full screen
Blog/Blogger Name | Blog URL | City | State | Country |
connienoelle writes | connienoellewrites.wordpress.com | Calgary | ALB | Canada |
Single Christian in a Married World | singlechristianinamarriedworld.wordpress.com | ALB | Canada | |
In a Mirror Dimly | inamirrordimly.blog.com | Fort St. James | BC | Canada |
Reflections from a Sister | sarahmelnychuk.blogspot.com | Vancouver | BC | Canada |
There There Kitten | theretherekitten.blogspot.com | Victoria | BC | Canada |
This Pilgrim's Progress | lorraineyeung.com | Squamish | BC | Canada |
Hannah Gram | hannahgram.com | Waterloo | ONT | Canada |
The Single Status | thesinglestatus.com/blog | Toronto | ONT | Canada |
Deutschland Diaries | allihasablogspot.blogspot.com | Kandern | Germany | |
KC in Guatemala | kcinguatemala.blogspot.com | Guatemala City | Guatemala | Guatemala |
Year of the Lord's Favor | jackieanno.blogspot.com | Mexico City | Mexico | |
Air | Rock | Sea | airrocksea.wordpress.com | Manila | Philippines | |
The Lady in Black | ottsjopunkten.tk | Stockholm | Sweden | |
Giving It All Up | hopefullymine.blogspot.com | Basildon | Essex | United Kingdom |
Indescribable Love | indescribablelove.com | Glasgow | Glasgow | United Kingdom |
Book of Spelling | bookofspelling.wordpress.com | Manchester | Lancashire | United Kingdom |
Scribo Girl | scribogirl.wordpress.com | London | London | United Kingdom |
The Underground Micaela | theundergroundmicaela.com | London | London | United Kingdom |
Jamie's Rabbits | jamiebg.blogspot.com | Birmingham | AL | United States |
Rebecca M Wattier | rebeccamwattier.blogspot.com | Mobile | AL | United States |
Shattered Masterpiece | shatteredmasterpiece.blogspot.com | Birmingham | AL | United States |
Picken's Place | pickensplace.blogspot.com | River Valley Region | AR | United States |
Mandy Living Life | mandylivinglife.com | Phoenix | AZ | United States |
Beauty in Breakdown | beautyinbreakdown.com | Long Beach | CA | United States |
By Their Fruit | bytheirfruit.wordpress.com | San Jose | CA | United States |
Learning to Breathe | rubencardenas121.blogspot.com | Corona | CA | United States |
Lindsey Nobles: I'm Just Sayin' | lindseynobles.com | Orange County | CA | United States |
Rugged Joy | ruggedjoy.wordpress.com | Sacramento | CA | United States |
Savvy Single Christian | savvysinglechristian.blogspot.com | Los Angeles | CA | United States |
Sincerely Sam | samsincerely.wordpress.com | Sacramento | CA | United States |
State of Being | meganbree.blogspot.com | Sacramento | CA | United States |
Fast. Pray. | fastpray.wordpress.com | Washington | DC | United States |
I Kissed My Date Goodnight | ikissedmydategoodnight.com | Washington | DC | United States |
Jacqueline Otto | jacquelineotto.com | Washington | DC | United States |
Sassafrashill | sassafrashill.wordpress.com | Pensacola | FL | United States |
Critty Joy | crittyjoy.com | Jasper | GA | United States |
Incite Faith | incitefaith.com | Atlanta | GA | United States |
Our Single Purpose | oursinglepurpose.wordpress.com | Atlanta | GA | United States |
Sweet Sirens of Mudhock | sweetsirensofmudhock.wordpress.com/ | Wailuku | HI | United States |
A Quad Shot of Espresso | espressostand.blogspot.com | Boise | ID | United States |
Elise's Pieces | cafeshoplover.blogspot.com | Boise | ID | United States |
Of Peculiarity | ofpeculiarity.wordpress.com | Boise | ID | United States |
Closet Calvinist | closetcalvinist.com | Carbondale | IL | United States |
Inspiration for Life's Journey | thejourneythroughfaith.blogspot.com | Chicago | IL | United States |
Lina Abujamra | livingwithpower.org | Chicago | IL | United States |
The Esau Project | esauproject.com | Fairfield | IL | United States |
You Can Hope | michajap.wordpress.com | Chicago | IL | United States |
A Time and a Season | atimeandaseason.wordpress.com | Georgetown | KY | United States |
Morning Reveals | morningreveals.wordpress.com | Frankfort | KY | United States |
A Day in the Life | jessica-singletary.blogspot.com | New Orleans | LA | United States |
See Mel Move | seemelmove.wordpress.com | Baton Rouge | LA | United States |
Soul Conversations | speakingtothesoul.blogspot.com | Attleboro | MA | United States |
Logical Leigh | logicalleigh.com | Baltimore | MD | United States |
Words of Fire | wordsoffire.com | Baltimore | MD | United States |
Kingdom Life | lenorabrown.blogspot.com | Lansing | MI | United States |
Beyond the Veil | angelamgarcia.com | Ottertail | MN | United States |
Christianity for the Rest of Us | mikefriesen05.wordpress.com | Minneapolis | MN | United States |
The Lauren Jean | thelaurenjean.com | Brooklyn Park | MN | United States |
(re)Education of the Feminine Soul | reducationofthefemininesoul.blogspot.com | St. Louis | MO | United States |
Incandescent Ink | incandescentink.blogspot.com | Branson | MO | United States |
Memoirs of an Amazon | memoirsofanamazon.wordpress.com | Branson | MO | United States |
More Than Don't Have Sex | justinmcampbell.net | St. Louis | MO | United States |
Sundi Jo | sundijo.com | Branson | MO | United States |
The Barn Princess | thebarnprincess.com | Kansas City | MO | United States |
Beauty of One | jsimplylive.blogspot.com | Fayetteville | NC | United States |
Life's An Adventure | lilybeajenkins.com | Statesville | NC | United States |
Out of Deep Waters | leahgillen.org | Raleigh | NC | United States |
Surprised by Love | surprisedbylove.wordpress.com | Raleigh | NC | United States |
The Quirky Redhead | thequirkyredhead.com | Raleigh | NC | United States |
The Singles Network | thesinglesnetwork.org | Garner | NC | United States |
This Chick Knows | thischickknows.com | Summerfield | NC | United States |
Christian Chick's Thoughts | christianchicksthoughts.blogspot.com | Grand Island | NE | United States |
Ren Was Here | ren-was-here.blogspot.com | Lincoln | NE | United States |
LeeLee Writes | leeleewrites.com | Trenton | NJ | United States |
Caravan Sonnet | caravansonnet.com | Albany | NY | United States |
Create Authentic Living | createauthenticliving.com/blog/ | Rochester | NY | United States |
Liz Lockwood | lizlockwood.wordpress.com | Manhattan | NY | United States |
luke.doesn't.know | lukedoesntknow.wordpress.com | Albany | NY | United States |
This Pilgrim's Progress | kristywes.blogspot.com | New York | NY | United States |
Counting to 31 | counting-to-31.blogspot.com | Cincinnati | OH | United States |
Love and Grace Media for Christian Singles | loveandgracemedia.com | Cincinnati | OH | United States |
My Not-Always-Korea Blog | mykoreablog.blogspot.com | Columbus | OH | United States |
Study in Contradictions | studyincontradictions.blogspot.com | Cincinnati | OH | United States |
Adventures of Brian | adventuresofbrian.com | Tulsa | OK | United States |
Church and the Single Girl | churchandthesinglegirl.com | Oklahoma City | OK | United States |
Explorations of Hope | explorationsofhope.com | Oklahoma City | OK | United States |
J Bryant Writes | jbryantwrites.com | Oklahoma City | OK | United States |
Meant for Someone | meantforsomeone.com | Oklahoma City | OK | United States |
Single and Sane | singleandsane.blogspot.com | Oklahoma City | OK | United States |
Living in Hebel | livinginhebel.wordpress.com | Portland | OR | United States |
Love and Respect Now | loveandrespectnow.com | Portland | OR | United States |
Rays of Sonshine | aray-raysofsonshine.blogspot.com | Hillsboro | OR | United States |
Daughter Unbound | daughterunbound.wordpress.com | Harrisburg | PA | United States |
Heart Comma Jessica | heartcommajessica.blogspot.com | Lititz | PA | United States |
Living 3368 | living3368.wordpress.com | Harrisburg | PA | United States |
Grace Eventually | graceeventually.blogspot.com | Columbia | SC | United States |
Living Settled In An Unsettled Life | www.dorothycamak.com | Greenville | SC | United States |
A Blog of a Courageous Father | cardeologist.com | Jefferson City | TN | United States |
An Idol Heart | anidolheart.com | Nashville | TN | United States |
Andy Merrick | andymerrick.com | Nashville | TN | United States |
Annie Blogs | annieblogs.com | Nashville | TN | United States |
Father Time | derekbruff.org/blogs/fathertime | Nashville | TN | United States |
Grit and Glory | gritandglory.com | Nashville | TN | United States |
HopefulLeigh | leighkramer.com | Nashville | TN | United States |
Jenna's Journeys | jennapeyton.wordpress.com | Nashville | TN | United States |
Just a Thought... | mollybostelman.blogspot.com | Chattanooga | TN | United States |
Love Is Enough | kaylenwilson.wordpress.com | Nashville | TN | United States |
Naming Animals | edhyndman.com | Nashville | TN | United States |
Reflections of a Thankful Heart | reflectinghearts.com | Nashville | TN | United States |
Sometimes I Fall Down | sometimesifalldown.blogspot.com | Nashville | TN | United States |
Teasingly Diverse | teasinglydiverse.blogspot.com | Nashville | TN | United States |
Tracee Persiko | traceepersiko.com | Nashville | TN | United States |
Welcome to My World | mikeebutcher.com | Franklin | TN | United States |
Amy in Wanderland | amyinwanderland.com | Austin | TX | United States |
Caitlin | caitlinmuir.com | Austin | TX | United States |
Consider Me Lovely | considermelovely.com | Houston | TX | United States |
I Hate Green Beans | ihategreenbeans.com | Houston | TX | United States |
Jeremy Walker | jeremykwalker.wordpress.com | Austin | TX | United States |
Joyfully His | stephdupraw.wordpress.com | Austin | TX | United States |
Lore Ferguson | sayable.net | Dallas | TX | United States |
Mended Women's Ministry | mendedministry.com/blog/ | Dallas | TX | United States |
OLI: Omnibus Layman's Intrigues | o-l-i.blogspot.com | Dallas | TX | United States |
Ramble and Reason | rambleandreason.wordpress.com | Dallas | TX | United States |
Ryan Beaty | ryanbeaty.com | Houston | TX | United States |
Simply Drea | simplydrea.blogspot.com | Gilmer | TX | United States |
SingleRoots | singleroots.com | Frisco | TX | United States |
Soul Mate God's Way | soulmategodsway.com/blog/ | Plano | TX | United States |
Stories from the Brooke | malediction.tumblr.com | Dallas | TX | United States |
The Higher Places | thehigherplaces.wordpress.com | Grapevine | TX | United States |
Thoughts from Fabs | fabsharford.com | Austin | TX | United States |
Wayfaring Stranger | paulmatthies.blogspot.com | Waco | TX | United States |
Wellspring of Hope | wellspringofhope.org/blog/ | Plano | TX | United States |
WishingWaitingWriting | wishingwaitingwriting.wordpress.com | Fort Worth | TX | United States |
Beyond Waiting | beyondwaiting.com | Charlottesville | VA | United States |
Candor of My Heart | candorofmyheart.blogspot.com | Norfolk | VA | United States |
Bat-Melek's Often Theological Ramblings | batmelek.com | Clark County | WA | United States |
Dark, Yet Lovely | americalavonne.wordpress.com | Seattle | WA | United States |
The Art of Losing | hannahborcherdt.wordpress.com | Seattle | WA | United States |
The Shadowlands | livingintheshadowlands.wordpress.com | Madison | WI | United States |
Note: If you are on the list and some of your information is incorrect, please contact us via the Contact page or at contact [at] singleroots [dot] com and we will be happy to change it for you.
Adding your blog to the SingleRoots List is simple!
Using our Contact page, send us your Blog Name and URL, your city (optional) and state. If you leave off the city, then we’ll insert the state’s capital city in the place of it. We’ll email you confirming your addition to the list. See? Painless!
The only requirement is that you are actively publishing content on your blog. Like, if you haven’t written anything on it since 2011, then just get back to us when you’re writing again and we’ll be glad to add you.
On the list? Add the badge to your blog!

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