There are a million (well, maybe not a million) sites out there about dating. And a million (well, maybe more like a hundred) more about being a Christian and dating. And then there are a couple dozen more about Christian dating and remaining pure and holy.
But few ever really address that there’s more to us than our relationship status. Sure, we all date. We’ve been in and out of relationships and we’ve weathered a few storms in between. Most of us still hope for marriage one day.
But that’s not all there is to me. And that’s not all there is to you. And it’s certainly not the only thing Christ calls us to.
So we started thinking…
What if we built a community that would challenge, call, and remind each of us that we are more than our marital status?
Actually, we think the discussion could be beneficial to anyone–married or single. But we decided to focus on singles specifically. Because that’s who we are. We’ve walked the road for far longer than we ever thought we would, and we’re still on it.
And we feel the temptations:
The pull to focus on ourselves. To disconnect from community. To tread water until our beloved comes along.
So, we landed here…
A community built on the idea that we need to resist the urge to live a disconnected life. It’s not how we were designed. We’re not in a waiting room or in some sort of holding pattern until we get married and our life really takes off. We are rooted in Christ and because of that we are called to focus on the Cross and the building up of His Body and His Kingdom today.
And we just happen to be single while doing so.
*Photo credit: JanTik